Category Archives: Families


Effective Coping Strategies for Children & Teens

In previous posts, I have written about helping children build their feelings vocabulary and express their emotions.    Today, I address coping strategies for children and teens.   The coping strategies that we find effective as adults may not be as helpful for children or teens.

What is a coping strategy?

A coping strategy is any strategy that helps us tolerate intense emotion, stressful situations or conflict   The types of coping strategies we utilize can be healthy or unhealthy (think overeating, excess drinking and more).   It is important to help children develop a foundation of utilizing healthy coping strategies when they are young.

Coping strategies are not one size fits all.   The type of strategies that may be effective and acceptable vary based on the child’s needs, the family’s expectations, the setting, the type of emotion being experienced, the intensity of the emotion and available resources. Continue reading Effective Coping Strategies for Children & Teens


Thinking Outside of the Box: Creative Ways to Help Children Express Their Emotions (Part 2)

In my last post, I asked you to start considering ways in which children may express their emotions in ways other than directly talking about their own emotions.   I promised a follow up post sharing some specific ideas and here it is!

The dictionary defines express as:

  • to put (thought) into words; utter or state
  • to show, manifest, or reveal
  • to set forth the opinions, feelings, etc., of (oneself), as in speaking, writing, or painting
  • to represent by a symbol, character, figure, or formula

The ideas that I share in this post could be used as ways to help children express their emotions, but can also be very helpful in processing and coping with emotions.   For the purposes of this post, I consider an idea creative or “outside of the box” if it goes beyond just expecting children to verbally share their emotions with us.  If you observe your children, you may realize that they are already using some of the techniques described below to process their emotions or situations that they have encountered.   Other children may benefit from being given permission to use one of the following techniques to share their emotions.

Continue reading Thinking Outside of the Box: Creative Ways to Help Children Express Their Emotions (Part 2)


Thinking Outside of the Box: Creative Ways to Help Children Express Their Emotions (Part 1)

At times, we all experience difficulty in expressing our emotions. It can be especailly challenging for children to express their emotions through words, so I encourage parents to think outside of the box about ways in which they can support their children in expressing their emotions. Continue reading Thinking Outside of the Box: Creative Ways to Help Children Express Their Emotions (Part 1)


Assessing Your Child’s Emotions

As parents or caregivers, I believe one of our most important tasks is to help our children learn to identify, share and cope with their emotions (feelings).   In a previous post, I wrote about helping children build their feelings vocabulary.

One of the best ways to help children begin to identify, share and cope with their emotions is by supporting them in doing so in the moment, as they are experiencing an emotion.   It can be helpful for the parent or caregiver to have a hunch about what the child is feeling and what the contributing factors may be.  Our hunches may be wrong, but they give us a starting point in trying to support children in sharing and coping with their emotions.

Continue reading Assessing Your Child’s Emotions


Building Your Child’s Feelings Vocabulary

I often talk to parents about being open to having their children express their emotions (feelings) through means other than words.   Art, music and play are just a few of the powerful ways in which children communicate and share their emotions with us.  I have learned so much about how children understand the world by just playing with them.  Having said that, there are many reasons why it is valuable to help children build a feelings vocabulary  and comfort in discussing their emotions.

The Benefits of Building Your Child’s Feelings Vocabulary

  • When children are able to identify their emotions, they can more effectively ask for help when they are experiencing an overwhelming emotion.
  • Being able to speak about their own emotions helps children in their relationships with others because they are better able to communicate and engage in conflict resolution.
  • Being able to identify one’s own emotions is the first step in being able to develop empathy for others.

Continue reading Building Your Child’s Feelings Vocabulary


8 Ways to Show Children You Love Them Throughout the Year

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner.   It can be fun to have a special day devoted to showing our children (and others) that we love them.   But, our daily interactions are essential in showing our children that we love them.

Below you’ll find eight ways we can show children we love them throughout the year.   Many of you may already be implementing some of these suggestions, but some of the suggestions may be ideas you want to consider implementing or revisiting in your family.

Continue reading 8 Ways to Show Children You Love Them Throughout the Year


Family Reflection Questions for the New Year

The beginning of the year offers an opportunity to reflect back on the previous year and think about the upcoming year.  While people tend to do this type of reflection on an individual basis, the below questions are designed to be considered and discussed as a family.   Depending on the ages of the children involved in the discussion, some of the wording may need to be modified.   The questions can also be modified for shorter periods of time as some children may struggle to reflect on a one year period of time.

Please see the note at the bottom of this post if you are interested in questions for individual reflection.

Continue reading Family Reflection Questions for the New Year